1. School Bell System
Two minutes before each class begins, there is one bell sounded / the class assigned monitor will announce it. This is the
time for all students to return to their seats. Two bells will sound at the start of class / the class monitor will announce it to the class. At this time, all students must be in their seats, no exceptions! Any student not quietly sitting in their seats when these two bells sound will be considered tardy and must sign the tardy slip.
2. Examinations and Grading
There will be mid-term and final examinations given every quarter for each class. The majority of examinations are objective in nature (consisting out of some sections of True/False, Multiple Choice, Filling in blanks, Essay short and long questions, and scripture memorisations). Rough grading guideline - Mid-terms 25%, Finals 50% and the remaining 25% will be announced each class. (This is all subject to each lecturer and could be changed for different subjects).
90 - 100
3.6 - 4.0
80 - 89
2.6 - 3.5
70 - 79
1.6 - 2.5
60 - 69
0.6 - 1.5
0 - 59
0.0 - 0.5
3. Make-up Examinations
If you are absent any of the days of examination, you have two school days to make-up any exam missed. There will be a fee of R35.00 per exam and make-up exams are given only Monday, Wednesday and Friday, between the hours of 12:15 PM and 2 PM. (Subject to change at any time).
4. Graduation Requirements
To be eligible to receive a 1st Year Certificate of Completion and 2nd Year Certificate of Completion, you must meet the following requirements:
Satisfactorily complete ALL 40 credit hours and a 2week missions trip for year one and 40 credit hours and a 3 week missions for year two. Failure of one course could mean NO GRADUATION.
Class attendance requirements fulfilled (see Handbook under Attendance).
Successful completion of each quarter with a 1.6(1st yr) 2.0(2nd yr) 2.5(3rd yr) or above grade point average.
Satisfactorily complete 4 quarters each year of service in the Ministry of Helps; with satisfactory evaluation forms from the Ministry of Helps Supervisor.
Tuition and fees must be paid in full.
The student must demonstrate evidence of true Christian life and character during the school year at FBI. Even if one may have fulfilled the other requirements, yet are lacking in character, they will not graduate.
July Intake
Inland Students | 25 June 2022 International Students | APPLICATIONS CLOSED
January Intake
Inland Students | 6 December 2022 International Students | 30 September 2022